
Recycling Centre

A Group of students visited The Recycling Center in Mora where you throw all trash in different categories and containers. Every household has first two different vessels outside their home: One grey for combustible waste and one brown for compostible waste. The grey is emptied once a month and the brown every second week. The rest of all waste is encouraged to be transported by each household to The Recycling Centre. Here are some examples of categories:


The grey and brown vessels mentioned above are emptied and transported to be recycled. The combustible waste is beeing burnt and is heating  water which is used to heat the households. This place you can see below.

                                    The compostible waste is transported and recycled to soil.

             Environmental friendly and locally produced food

Every citizen is encouraged to be aware of and act from what is best for environment and health. We had a look at some symbols of products to be aware of what is good to buy.


All students learn about these symbols indicating things like fair trade and ecologic food in Home Economics.

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